The Refaat Mobile Library is sending 100% of all proceeds to refaatlibraryatl on Venmo to Gaza Funds, a mutual aid project that connects people to crowdfunding campaigns for individuals and families from Gaza.

How we choose each campaign: Each time the page is reloaded on, a different campaign appears. While the rotation is randomized, campaigns for the sick/injured and campaigns close to meeting their goals are prioritized. The library has been donating all Venmo/Cash App transactions to whichever campaign is spotlighted when we visit the site at time of donation so that your contributions can be distributed to many in urgent need.

Proof of Donations

About Gaza Funds

Gaza Funds is a project that connects people to crowdfunding campaigns for individuals and families from Gaza. Each time the page is reloaded, a different campaign appears. While the rotation is randomized, campaigns for the sick/injured and campaigns close to meeting their goals are prioritized. We never want any of these campaigns to go stagnant, so we make sure to also prioritize fundraisers that haven't had a donation in a while. As existing fundraisers meet their goals, they will be replaced with other fundraisers that need your help.

We are a global team of (mostly) Arab and Palestinian engineers, students, writers, and academics working to help get exposure and traction to fundraisers created for people in Gaza, Palestine. We are not an organization or a charity. We do not create fundraisers and we do not collect money on behalf of them. Our work on this project is completely voluntary. We created this site as a way to give others quick access to these fundraisers for informational purposes only.

This website is for informational purposes only. We are not affiliated with the fundraisers, their beneficiaries or the campaign websites. We assume no liability or responsibility for any activity related to the fundraisers listed on this website or to the policies and procedures of the fundraiser websites that host them.
