Below are free, printer-ready downloadable PDFs of zines from a variety of community networks. Please DO NOT edit or sell them without permission. We also keep a (very) limited number of some free zines at our in-person pop-ups and are always looking for zine donations from this list.
If you’d like to donate some copies of a particular zine on this list for our library visitors, please print, bind and ship to the address below. Need printing instructions? Email us at Thank you <3
Refaat Mobile Library
P.O. Box 17919
Atlanta, GA 30316
Read, print and share!
Archiving Palestine
A Care-Centered Guide to Digitally Archiving Palestine (Librarians and Archivists With Palestine)
Exposing Ex Libris (Librarians and Archivists With Palestine)
How to Archive a Protest: A Field Guide for Southern Memory Workers (Margaret Lawson, Invisible Histories)
Israeli Damage to Archives, Libraries, and Museums in Gaza, October 2023–January 2024: A Preliminary Report (Librarians and Archivists With Palestine; Spanish version here)
Overdue Books: Returning Palestine’s ‘Abandoned Property’ of 1948 (Hannah Mermelstein)
Prisoners’ Books From Nablus Public Library (Librarians and Archivists to Palestine)
Health and Medicine
Food Is the First Frontier of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Pulitzer Foundation)
No Freedom Without Reproductive Freedom for Palestine (@_mynameismud_)
Psychiatry’s Role in the Occupation of Palestine (Campaign for Psych Abolition)
Sex Education in Gaza: Empowering Young People Under Occupation (Pleasure Pie)
Narratives and Art From Palestine
A Gazan Young Man Dreams of a Peaceful Death (Pleasure Pie x Mo. Alkrunz)
A Scream for Gaza (Nabil Echchaibi x Refaat Mobile Library)
And Still We Write Print-Ready | Digital View Version (ArabLit / Publishers for Palestine)
Human Geography in Nablus: ‘Mountain of Fire’ (Vani Natarajan and Melissa Morrone)
Poems for Peace, Poems for Palestine (Unknown)
Queer Voices From the Fight for Palestinian Liberation (Breaking Patterns x Pleasure Pie)
Walls of Palestine (Josh MacPhee, Maggie Screnier, Molly Fair, Blair Kuntz, Hannah Mermelstein, Melissa Morrone & Mezna Qato)
We Are Not Going Away: First-Person Accounts on the War in Gaza (Pleasure Pie)
Protest and Encampment
First We Take Columbia: Lessons from 1968 Occupations Movement (Ill Will)
Flood the Gates: Escalate (Palestinian Action US)
To Them, We Are All Outside Agitators (Within Our Lifetime)
Resources for Beginners
ABCs of Occupation (Rachel Mattson)
Abogando por Palestina (Advocating for Palestine)
BDS: What It Is and Why It Matters (SJP DePaul University)
Handala (Josh MacPhee via Librarians and Archivists With Palestine)
Israel-Palestine Explainer (Jewish Currents Magazine)
Perspectives on Palestinian History (Decolonize Palestine)
What to do if You Want to Help Palestinians but Don’t Know Where to Start (AJ’s Print & Photo Studio)
Why the State Can’t Compromise With Gaza Solidarity Movement and What That Means For Us ( and
Safety and Security
Community Defense Zone: Starter Guide (Mijente)
Defend the Territory! Tactics & Techniques for Countering Police Assaults on Indigenous Communities (Warrior Publications)
DIY Occupation Guide 2024 (Alfredo Bonnano)
Get Ready - A Gentle Guide to Emergency Preparedness (Sara Shay Mirk)
Know Your Rights to Defend Your Rights (Mijente)
Self-care for Community Care
Burnout Prevention Guide and Journal for Movements (Resistance Resilience Network)
Palestinians and Latin America’s Indigenous Peoples: Coexistence, Convergence, Solidarity (Middle East Report 274)
Tkhines for a Free Palestine (A collective of queer, disabled, anarchist Jews)
Using Indigeneity in the Struggle for Palestinian Liberation (Al-Shabaka)
Community and Movement Building
Practicing Abolition, Creating Community (Project NIA)
Systems change is fractal (Tender Warrior Co.)
When I don’t know how to show up I think about this butterfly (Tender Warrior Co.)
Where are we going and how do we get there? (Tender Warrior Co.)
Atlanta: Stop Cop City
A Brief History of the Atlanta City Prison Farm (Atlanta Community Press Collective)
The Forest in the City (
The Little Green Songbook for Forests and Their Defenders (Stop Cop City)
Other Zines
Public Libraries 101 (For the People)
Need additional printing instructions? Most of these zines should be printed as 5.5x8.5 booklets, double-sided, but there are a few exceptions. Shoot us an email if you’re confused or ask your local print shop for help!