Below are free, printer-ready downloadable PDFs of zines from a variety of community networks. Please DO NOT edit or sell them without permission. We also keep a (very) limited number of some free zines at our in-person pop-ups and are always looking for zine donations from this list.


If you’d like to donate some copies of a particular zine on this list for our library visitors, please print, bind and ship to the address below. Need printing instructions? Email us at Thank you <3

Refaat Mobile Library
P.O. Box 17919
Atlanta, GA 30316

Read, print and share!

Archiving Palestine

Health and Medicine

Narratives and Art From Palestine

Protest and Encampment

Resources for Beginners

Safety and Security

Self-care for Community Care


Community and Movement Building

Atlanta: Stop Cop City

Other Zines

Need additional printing instructions? Most of these zines should be printed as 5.5x8.5 booklets, double-sided, but there are a few exceptions. Shoot us an email if you’re confused or ask your local print shop for help!